Miss C is 3!

Well here we are. Miss C has turned 3! It seems like only yesterday we were celebrating her second birthday, but here we are.

Things She Likes

Her Siblings

She became a big sister at 17 months old and instantly fell in love with her little brother. She is fiercely protective of him and they are the best of friends. She loves playing with him and is mostly good at sharing with him. She has her moments particularly with her favourite stuff but she is very patient and considerate with him. It took her a while to remember how little he was and how gentle she needed to be, but thankfully she is.

When it comes to her sister they have an interesting relationship. She adores her big sister, wants to be just like her and follows her about like a puppy. They fight like cat and dog and their personalities couldn’t be more different. When they play nicely together it is pure bliss but when it goes off, it is mayhem!

Music and Dancing

She started street dance classes this year and absolutely loves it. She was in their summer dance show and I was absolutely bursting with pride. To have the confidence at 2.5 years old to stand up on a stage in front of 200+ people baffles me. There is no way I would have been able to do that at her age. Dance class has been off for the summer and she is desperate to get back and I can’t wait for her to go back and let some energy out there!

She loves music and just now her particular favourite is Little Mix. She also loves the Foos, Biffy Clyro, Taylor Swift and 90’s dance songs! There is something so amusing about seeing your toddler standing doing all the moves and she is word perfect on everything. The way she retains information is astounding.

Stuff in bags and pockets

She is still obsessed with sunglasses, but now she also loves a handbag, play phone, Mr Men Books, Moshi Monsters (When she manages to steal them from her sister), toy cars, pretty much anything she can fit in her pocket or bag. She is going through a phase of putting stuff in her back pocket, I assume it’s because she sees her Dad and I putting our phones in there, but it is really funny seeing her stick her Bing mobile in there.


I’ve written about her food allergies before and I’m glad to say that despite the fact she can’t eat certain things, she is still a wee gannet! She will eat anything and everything I put down in front of her and is at the stage where she likes to help me prep and cook. I was probably about 2 or 3 when my Mum and Gran taught me to cook and it was brill. She has her own apron which she loves because it’s like mine and she is very good at taking instructions.

Being a Joker

She loves to make her wee brother giggle and watching the pair of them belly laughing is one of the best bits of my day. When I try and take pictures, she is the one pulling funny faces and looking the other way. She can’t help herself, at all!

Stuff She Doesn’t Like

At the moment she mostly doesn’t like being told what to do and because of that the last 6 months have been pretty tough. She is head strong which I love about her, but at the same time the threenager has been emerging with fury. It’s not just the tantrums, if it was I could deal with that, it’s the emotional break downs. She’s been like a stroppy, hormonal teenager for the last 4 months and it’s really wearing. Thankfully, I have noticed a difference in the last few weeks so I’m hoping that she is going back to her usual lovely wee self.

She is one of the kindest, loving, caring, well mannered little girls I have ever met and I am proud to be her Mum. She is starting nursery on Thursday and she is more than ready for it. She needs more stimulation and I can’t wait to see where it takes her next. Just keep being yourself my little Star because you are amazing!


Three Minutes Old

Three Days Old

Three Weeks Old

Three Months Old

Three Years Old