September Weekend Part 1

This weekend is a Scottish holiday so Mr B and I took Friday off to make the most of it.

Friday we all had a chilled out morning then went to run some errands, stopped off at Cafe Rico for some lunch before going to meet some friends at Cafe Ceramico for a play date where Miss B painted a lovely jewellery box for herself.

Our weather has been all over the place the last few weeks and today was no exception.  When I got up at 7:45 it was freezing and foggy so I was expecting it to be chilly.  Our usual Saturday consists of taking Miss B to swimming lessons first thing, shops, play dates and a lot of running about.  Since this is a holiday weekend I tried not to have it too jam packed with activities because I think we all need a rest so today we had swimming as usual and I promised Miss B that I would take her to the park if the weather was ok and thankfully it was.  She asked to take her bike, so off we went to the local big park where she cycled the wee legs off herself.  It turned out to be a gorgeous sunny day and we even ended up eating ice creams at the park 🙂

Here are some pics of our weekend so far:

2013-09-27 17.33.29

Park Adventures

2013-09-28 15.20.16 HDR 2013-09-28 15.20.20 2013-09-28 15.28.54 HDR 2013-09-28 15.30.10 2013-09-28 15.30.52 2013-09-28 15.31.42 2013-09-28 15.32.56 2013-09-28 15.33.14 2013-09-28 15.38.34 HDR 2013-09-28 15.39.07 HDR

I’ve got a nice surprise for Miss B tomorrow but will update about it later in the weekend. Hope you are all having a fab time no matter what you get up to.



A Lovely Day Out

So today I took my Mum out for afternoon tea, shopping and dinner in Glasgow for her birthday which is in the next few days.  She’s not a massive fan of fizz so I hadn’t booked it but she decided to go for it when we got there.  While I was sorting the bill out Mum asked how much it was and it turned out it was £7 for the glass!  Miss B snuggled up to me and whispered in my ear and our conversation went like this:

Miss B – “Mum, I want to pay for Gugs secco for her birthday”

Me – “That’s nice of you honey but you don’t need to do that, keep your pennies”

Miss B – “No, it’s ok Mum. She always does nice things for me and I want to do something nice for her birthday and she likes the secco”

Moments like that remind me what a sweet little girl I have!

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Yesterday was a rubbish day for various reasons, including a very frustrating trip to B&Q with my Mum which left me thinking I had chosen the worst time ever to give up alcohol!

Last night I got a call from my Mum to say that she had been notified that my Dad had died. My parents split up in 1990 when I was 9 and I have written about the relationship I had with my Dad previously here. When she told me I genuinely felt nothing. No loss, no sadness, nothing. My youngest sister is currently on holiday so I volunteered to make the call while Mum called my middle sister. Their reactions surprised me a little but since they belong to them I’m not going to go into them on here. The message was that the executor of the will had to speak to the three of us since we are his children.

My Dad wasn’t well off as far as I know but we were asked if we wanted anything from his house. I find it strange that after 23 years someone might think that I might want a toaster or a washing machine, but the law is what it is and I politely declined. We asked if we were mentioned in his will and the response was “You were at one point but not now” I’ve never had a penny from him or wanted anything from him and it makes me wonder why the change was made, suppose I will never know now.

The whole situation is really odd. He was still my Dad although we’ve had no relationship for so long but I still feel nothing. Lots of lovely friends and family have sent messages of support and love but I feel almost fraudulent accepting them because I don’t feel I should. People keep asking if I’m ok and I promise you all, I really am.

He seems to have had a hard time with his health over the last few years and by the sounds of it he is out of pain and I’m glad for him. I won’t be going to his funeral as I don’t see any reason to. I said goodbye to him a long time ago and have moved on and won’t go back.

So for a final time, Good bye Dad.