Happy Birthday Gran

Today would have been my Grans 91st birthday.  Unfortunately she isn’t here to celebrate it with us since she passed away in 1998.

She was the most kind, loving and caring Gran anyone could ever wish for.  She taught me to knit, sew, bake and cook. I suppose you could say she was a typical traditional Grandmother.  When my parents split up I went to live with my Grandparents and I can honestly say it was one of the happiest periods of my childhood.  I was in a loving, stable home where we were allowed to be kids and spent hours playing in the garden and making dens.  When we came home from school there was always a warm bowl of home-made soup waiting on the table for us and after our homework we would usually bake or cook together.

In 1990 she had a really bad accident when she was knocked down by a drunk driver and was so badly injured we thought she was going to have to have both legs amputated.  In her youth she was an Irish Dancer and the thought of losing her legs devastated her.  She was such a  strong woman and was determined she would walk again and that she did.  Through sheer strength and determination she learned to walk again and even got to dance at my uncles wedding.

Family meant everything to her and she was blessed with a wonderful husband, 6 children, 10 Grandchildren and now she has 1 Great-Granddaughter who is named after her.  Unfortunately she never got to meet Miss B but I know she would have loved her to bits.  When she left us she left a big hole behind because she was the heart of our family.  Tonight I will raise a glass in her memory and remember how luck I was to have her for 17 years of my life.  Happy Birthday Gran, love and miss you always




Smitten Saturday

Glasgow Mummy

This week I am smitten with:

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Every morning Miss B leaves me little post-it notes when I’m in the shower. We are almost at the end of the school term here and I can’t believe how much she has learned since she started last August. On Sunday morning she drew me some pictures and wrote me a note on the back.  Her spelling is obviously not 100% but you get where she is going with it.  We got her school report yesterday and it’s an absolute belter 🙂 Well done Miss B

Smitten Saturday

Glasgow Mummy

This week I am smitten with this:

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Miss Bs topic at school is Fairytale Land and this week she was given the responsibility of looking after Puff the Dragon.  She was given a diary where she had to record what they got up to, so he went with her to gymnastics, chilled out in the sun, had a lunch date and played Moshi Guess Who after school.  Miss B loved taking care of Puff and writing all about their adventures too.

Hope you have all had a great week and the next one is even better!

Why not join in Smitten Saturday too? Just hop on over to Glasgow Mummys blog and you can get the button and instructions on what to do.


Father’s Day, the gift nightmare!

If like me, the man in your life is really difficult to buy for and only really has expensive and specific hobbies, gift buying can be very stressful.  With Father’s Day coming up we have the usual gift dilemma.  When you ask Miss B what she would like to get her Daddy she always suggests a keyring or socks and that’s not very exciting is it!

I was contacted last week about a blogging competition to be in with a chance of winning an Osiris Chrono watch from John Lewis and since Mr B’s watch recently gave up the ghost I thought I would give it a try 🙂

I think Mr B deserves it because he is a great Dad and a fantastic husband.  He is kind, caring, loving and Miss B is the apple of his eye.  He goes above and beyond for our family every day and even when he is overloaded with work (which is a lot) he always makes sure he has time for her.  It makes his day when he gets to take her to school and spends time with her helping her with her homework.  Quite simply, he is awesome 🙂

Miss B and I have already got him a gift and I’m not going to say what it is so I don’t ruin the surprise but winning this would be a lovely extra.

Have a great day everyone



Smitten Saturday

Glasgow Mummy

This week I am smitten with this:

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This week we are guinea pig sitting for my littlest sister, his name is Chuck and if you look really closely you will see him on the towel on Miss Bs knee.  We looked after him a few months ago and he was really jumpy and scared of everything but he has calmed down a lot since and was really happy to be out running round my hall and having cuddles.  It’s kind of got me in the mood to get another pet but thankfully I am allergic to him so I’ve been wheezing and sniffing all week, which trust me, is a good thing 🙂

Why not join Glasgow Mummys link up and tell us what you are smitten with too.
