Miss C is 4!

I honestly feel like I’ve blinked and the last year has flown in and here we are again. Miss C is 4 and here is a bit about her.

Things She Likes

Her Siblings

She and Little D are still best buds. When she started nursery last year he was so lost without her and when we picked her up they would run at each other and were so happy to be reunited. They play so well together and she is still really protective of him. They fight over the same toys and she bosses him around like an old nagging woman but as he’s started to push back she’s become more patient and much better at sharing.

She has a funny relationship with her big sister. One minute they are best friends and the next they can’t look at each other just like most sisters I suppose. When they are playing nice, life is wonderful but when they aren’t it can be hellish.

Music and Dancing

She is still going to street dance class and she loves it. She’s been in 2 shows and amazed us all with her confidence standing up there in front of so many people while she struts her stuff.

She loves music and we always have some on in the background. Her ability to retain lyrics is scary and she’s been able to operate Alexa for a while so loves doing that.


She is a big film fan. She will happily watch the same films over and over again and is word perfect on the scripts. Some of her favourites are Zombies, Coco, Descendants, Tangled, Monsters inc, Hotel Transylvania and Toy Story to name but a few.


She loves sunglasses and handbags. Last year for her birthday she was given a Toy Story backpack which she regularly fills up with her favourite things and walks about like Dora the Explorer.


She is still a big foodie and despite her food allergies she will eat anything put down in front of her. Over the last year I’ve let her do some more cooking and get more involved which she really enjoys. Her favourite dinner is slow cooked Chicken and Chorizo stew and is really good at making it herself.

Being a Joker

She is always the one in the picture pulling the funny face or sticking out her tongue and generally causing a riot. She has the funniest laugh and a really good sense of humour. She is going through a very funny phase at the moment and is a total unconscious comedienne.


She started the day after her third birthday and was so ready for it. She is a clever wee cookie and has really thrived since she started. She loves role play, playing a teacher in particular, and reading her pupils stories. Her number recognition is fantastic as is her comprehension. She’s had to learn to take her time and slow down a bit which doesn’t surprise me because her nickname is The Tornado!

Stuff She Doesn’t Like

She is so head strong and the last wee while has been hard going and she has been pushing back and testing the boundaries. The threenager has well and truly moved in but thankfully the tantrums have calmed down in the last month and it’s now just the hormones to deal with. Everything seems to be the end of the world, and some times we have full blown tears and snotters over nothing. It’s all a phase though so I just got to get through it.

So Happy 4th Birthday to my little firecracker. You are kind, funny, loving, head strong, caring, well mannered and fiesty and please just keep being yourself because you are amazing!

Love Mum xxx

First Day

4 Weeks

4 Months

4 Years

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